I was reflecting on my transformational journey, through my health challenges, changes in my career and life in general. As I sat and pondered how far I had come, I had a visitor. With a big leap, he landed right next to me. A small yet mighty grey grasshopper. He let his presence be known.
He stayed as if to keep me company. Or maybe it was he who was seeking protection from a rather large crow perched above us.
I took a moment and looked up the spiritual symbolism of this calm, prehistoric looking creature.
The first meaning I found suggested good fortune, good luck, abundance, and prosperity. What a wonderful outlook.
For years I had suffered from a “lack-mentality,” things that were effortless for others often seemed difficult for me. More recently I have been releasing that stuck belief system and when Mr Grasshopper turned up he seemed to remind me I was on the right path.
As I am going through big career changes, I thanked this little grasshopper to keep my focus steadfast on a bright future and I thanked him for the reminder that my life is plentiful, abundant, and rich.
I am so grateful for what I have and the abilities I possess.
The second meaning of the grasshopper is happiness.
It made me think of literally jumping for joy. Getting those happy juices flowing and jumping to the heavens.
I continued to reflect on my life transforming, I had originally planned on allowing this day to be just that. A day of reflection to let go of the past. To let go of old rituals and habits and be open to new experiences. I thought that I may have been a little sad and I said to myself that it is ok if I feel melancholy. Instead, I felt a wonderful sense of ease and release. Was it because I’d let go of expectations? I felt happy and joyful and blessed beyond belief.
I’d spent the morning at Miracle Manor in the desert. (it’s a must do! https://www.instagram.com/miraclemanor/)
I had a beautiful opportunity to be led by the amazing Ashley in a go rgeous Yoga session on the deck overlooking the entire valley below. (https://www.instagram.com/flaura.ashley.nunn/)
I was particularly moved by the profound Sa, Ta, Na, Ma 11-minute practice we did. It is called a practice for a reason. I had done this kriya before, but today it felt as though I was experiencing it for the first time. My transformation and healing after surgery is still taking place and at a deeper level.
You may be familiar with the Sa, Ta, Na, Ma, mantra and mudras. It is for shedding the old you and becoming who you are meant to be, your true self. It is also a great one for stress, to change patterns, for mental health and freeing yourself from addictions.
Here is a short version you can try https://youtu.be/ZG9_ctrdzYU?si=ec4yqKaPgAKIfsuC
The practice of touching each individual finger to your thumb in time with the chant for me seemed harder than usual. It really felt that I was recalibrating.
Sa - Thumb to index finger - represents wisdom.
Ta - Thumb to middle finger - represents patience.
Na - Thumb to ring finger - represents energy.
Ma - Thumb to pinky finger - represents communication.
I curiously embraced the guided practice with childlike awe.
I let go of frustrations and giggled to myself when my fingers got crossed.
I imagined my brain re-wiring my brain preparing me to take on future experiences that will be filled with magic and joy.
Spiritual guides - The Grasshopper
They can be seen as signs to trust the universe, take risks even if scary.
He continued to sit by me. Very calm, as if to reinforce that all is ok and only going to get better. (Breathe deep here and exhale long)
The grasshopper reference continued to espouse the positive aspects of this encounter.
The grasshopper is known to symbolize prosperity, new beginnings, and transformation. The ability to make anything a success, including love. I am blessed and thankful for the reminder that the universe delivered through this humble, grey, strong creature with eloquence and perfect timing.
I wish you all the blessings that the grasshopper brings.
much love
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