2024 Writing Hour dates - Put them in your calendar

2024 Writing Hour dates - Put them in your calendar

Free monthly online -Writing Hour

Sponsored by Black Heart Words & Poems poetry book

Join a free and lively gathering that celebrates the magic of words!
No writing experience required—just bring yourself and your enthusiasm.
Feel free to join from anywhere, with the option to have your camera on or off. Whether you want to actively participate or simply listen, that’s fine, it's guaranteed to be a fun and positive experience.

· ALL ARE WELCOME. Feel free to invite a friend or two.

Join via Facebook –Events (Messenger room) go to Facebook. Search for Black Heart Alchemi and select Events.

-Bring your favorite pen and paper and get comfortable.

-Make tea or coffee.

We will ground ourselves, read a poem, and have a discussion on thoughts, feelings, and reactions.
Plus do a writing exercise or two.

-Have your copy of Black Heart Words & Poems.
We will use it as an inspiration in some of the writing exercises we do. (Not mandatory)

-Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Booktopia and other book and gift retailers and my website at www.blackheartalchemi.com or https://linktr.ee/blackheart_alchemi

For more info contact me on Instagram - Blackheart_Alchemi or [email protected] www.blackheartalchemi.com

I am thrilled to share the dates and writing themes for 2024. 1:30 pm Los Angeles Time / 8:00 am Adelaide, Australia time.
Dates are subject to change. Verify on BlackHeartAlchemi.com

--JANUARY Transformation

-FEBRUARY LA 24th Adelaide 25th Love
Poem #11 Darling

-MARCH LA 16th Adelaide 17th
Energy Poem #9 Energy

-APRIL LA 20th Adelaide 21st
Poem #6 Patience

-MAY LA 18th Adelaide 19th Magic
Poem #40 The Fairy

-JUNE LA 22nd Adelaide 23rd
Tapping into your inner child
Poem #36 The Hummingbird & The Lizard

-JULY LA 6th Adelaide 7th Winter / Summer
Poem #32 Rock

-AUGUST LA 24th Adelaide 25th
Poem #39 The Lion

-SEPTEMBER LA 21st Adelaide 22nd
Poem #5 Secrets

-OCTOBER LA 19th Adelaide 20th Authenticity
Poem #37 Scorpion

-NOVEMBER LA 16th Adelaide 17th
Poem #26 Strong

-DECEMBER LA 21st Adelaide 22nd
Poem #19 Pulled Under

with love!

Add Your Email to Stay Connected

Add your email address to be entered to WIN a copy of Black Heart Words & Poems Volume One. Hurry!
If you've already read some of the poems, please consider leaving a review. We'd love to see photos of you and your book.