2024 dates released - check Events. contact me for the FREE Teams link.
Put the dates in your calendar.
🖤🖤🖤 FREE online Monthly Writing Session.
Next one is Los Angeles Saturday, November 23 at 1:30 PM / Adelaide, Australia Sunday, Nov 24 at 8:00 AM
Black Heart Words & Poems and Writing from the Edge, invites you to a fun, collaborative experience focusing on the power of words.
Writing heals! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED, it’s fun.
We will get together from folks around the world.
Come as you are. You can even join from your bed. You can have your camera on or not.
You can be live, and participate, or mute your line and just listen while doing whatever it is you are doing. It will be a fun positive experience.
ALL ARE WELCOME. Feel free to invite a friend.
Add it to your calendar and then just join!
-Have your copy of Black Heart Words & Poems. We will use it as an inspiration in some of the writing exercises we do. (Not mandatory)
-Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble , Booktopia and other book and gift retailers and my website at www.blackheartalchemi.com or https://linktr.ee/blackheart_alchemi
-Bring your favorite pen and paper and get comfortable.
-Make tea or coffee.
We will ground ourselves, read a poem and have a discussion on thoughts, feelings, and reactions. Do a writing exercise or two.
For more info contact me on facebook, or on Instagram - Blackheart_Alchemi or [email protected]
See you there with love!
Add your email address to be entered to WIN a copy of Black Heart Words & Poems Volume One. Hurry!
If you've already read some of the poems, please consider leaving a review. We'd love to see photos of you and your book.